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About F3 Industrial Design
F3 is an Industrial Design Consultancy with a philosophy that embraces Innovation and Invention in Design. In fact F3 is quite unique in that the Principal Designer is one of the very few Professional Inventors in the world and can Invent solutions for you even if you only have an idea of what you want to achieve.
F3 has been developing clients ideas into world class, multi-million dollar products for over 25 years and our services help Inventors and Industry to develop products that become market leaders. We do this by providing unique, appropriate and highly resolved Design Solutions that make competing products look archaic.
By aiming to always add an Inventive Step F3 gives clients a long term competitive advantage by opening the door to Patent Strategies that help protect the product from competition and maintain a dominant market share. We use proven processes that allow a thorough investigation into possible product options and work closely with the client so they maintain control over the direction of their project at all times.
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Our Design Philosophy
The F3 Design Philosophy is securely based around the dedication to producing highly innovative and functional solutions for our clients so that they may use this to create new markets, break into existing markets or increase their existing market share.
Our aim is to maintain a structure that allows us to retain the flexibility required to experiment with early stage ideas, embracing change and variation until the correct product solution becomes clear. We embrace thought experimentation and use this method of thoroughly investigating numerous solutions to a problem mentally before we even start on the conceptualization process. The reason we use this process is based about the belief that even the most simple of projects has an infinite number of variables and therefore solutions.
Mental Experimentation allows a designer to evaluate countless solutions and check each one against the requirements of all of the drivers in the project. These may include functional requirements, tooling and manufacturing or processing needs, ergonomic and safety requirements, marketing or cultural needs, aesthetic values through to packaging and logistics issues. The sheer number of variables when factored out makes the speed of thought experimentation invaluable, prior to the generation of concept sketches and throughout the rest of the design process.
We believe that by coming up with a solution which best solves the requirements of the project at the concept stage, that all subsequent processes will flow more easily, reducing time and costs in downstream Engineering processes.
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